6 Ways Parents Can Support Their Kids During The COVID-19 Outbreak



Presently, the whole world is going through a tough time. But if you have kids at home and have to work remotely, you must be experiencing even tougher time. Everybody is feeling anxiety, stress, and uncertainty and parents are getting more concerned thinking about the development of their children. Children are also dealing with sudden school closure and separation from friends. To help your child deal with the situation, you need to be their support system and create a sense of normalcy at home. Childcare experts from Day Care Chino CA have shared here some tips on how to support your children during this COVID-19 outbreak.

Stick to a routine : Children function better in a structured environment. So, try to create a routine and encourage your little ones to follow the same. Don't be rigid, the timetable can be flexible. Flexibility will help them cope up with the situation in a better way. Besides learning sessions, please try to include some free time in their routine. In fact, try to utilize their free time in creative ways. Have conversations with them, take them to the terrace, or listen to some music.

1. You are always their

Children are missing all their fun activities, sports, and outdoor sessions which is leading to disappointment and frustration in them. At this time your assurance that you are always there for them is very important. Please let them understand their importance in your life. Talk to them, spend some time with them, and if they are sad or upset about being stuck at home, please help them to cheer up.

1. Create some welcome distractions

While having online classes teachers of Montessori Chino, CA have observed many children are experiencing some difficult emotions which they can't express properly. To help them deal with the strong emotions plan and create some moments of distractions. For example, have a family game night every few days, cook meals together, or have a family movie date. These activities will help them to relax and have some fun time with family.

1. Monitor your behavior

It is quite understandable that you are also anxious and dealing with many strong emotions that may impact your behavior towards the family members. But kids are very smart nowadays and may take emotional cues from your behavior. So, if possible try to manage your anxiety in your own time. Don’t make your anxiety and stress so obvious in front of your children.

1. Be patience

Last but not the least, try to be calm and patient. At this topsy-turvy situation, you need to show a calm demeanor to your children. Seeing you they will feel safe and protected. Childcare experts of Day Care Chino CA suggest parents not to be nervous or panic if they see any symptom of mild cold and cough in children. You should encourage your kids to let you know if they are not feeling well in any way.

So, please think positive and be calm. Your attitude towards the tough situation will have a great impact on your kids.


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