What is Hyperlexia in Children and What You Should Know About It

‘Hyper’ means ‘more than’ or ‘above’ and ‘Lexia’ means reading. Therefore, hyperlexia is the ability to read exceptionally at an early age without age-appropriate speech and language development. Though precocious reading may seem like a very good thing, Hyperlexia is a learning disability accompanied by language deficits. What is Hyperlexia? Hyperlexia is unusual and advance reading skills and capabilities in little children at a very young age. Children with Hyperlexia can have significant difficulty in understanding and using normal verbal language like others in Montessori Chino, CA . They may struggle to develop their social skills as well. You may be surprised to know that Hyperlexia could be a sign of an autism-like or an autism syndrome, especially when the child has delayed speaking abilities. How to identify hyperlexia in your children If your child is hyperlexic, there will be some symptoms which you can notice in your children. They are as f...