Some Thanksgiving Themed Tiffin Box Ideas For Your Kindergartener

Whether your child is going to a kindergarten or a Montessori Pomona, CA , with thanksgiving around the corner, it is time to make them some thanksgiving themed lunch boxes. Such lunchboxes will light up your little ones face you can expect an empty box when he returns from his school. Turkey shaped sandwich From large sandwich bread, you can use brown or white, but it will be better with brown, cut two circles for the main sandwich. Use any filling, and from the scraps left, create an oblong shape for the head. Stick it to the main round body using butter. For feathers, you can use strips of young carrot which you can stick into the middle of the sandwich and pretzel pieces as leg. Pieces of black olive and cheese can be used for making the eyes and the beak, attached to the main sandwich with butter A simple yet beautiful looking lunch ready for your little one. Turkey brownie Brownie and candy corn with some chocolate icing and candy eyes can make a fun lunch b...